A place for people and nature to thrive

Beautiful & Sustainable New Homes

Response to the Climate Emergency

Berkeley is playing a lead role in tackling climate change. We have set ambitious targets that commit us to reducing our direct emissions, the embodied carbon in our supply chain and the in use emissions created by our homes.

At Castle End Gardens we will ensure that all of our homes are low carbon, focusing on the efficiency of the building fabric and low carbon technologies such as heat pumps and photovoltaics. Gas boilers would be thing of the past.

We would incorporate a range of features that make it easy for residents to live a sustainable lifestyle, from recycling storage to cycle facilities and electric car charging points.

Meanwhile, the biodiverse landscape will be designed to be resilient to extreme weather, including flooding and drought.

Through applying this approach we can support Wokingham Borough Council’s own plans to address the climate emergency.

In partnership with Wokingham Borough Council and the local community, we can deliver a mix of around 2,500 new low carbon homes designed to respond to the specific needs of the local area.

We would provide a range of different sizes and types of homes, from conveniently located apartments, to beautifully designed family houses, to cater for the variety of needs of future residents.

The development can provide a mix of tenures including 35% affordable homes in line with local policy. The affordable homes could include social rent, key worker and shared ownership homes, offering an affordable route to home ownership for local people who are unable to afford homes on the open market. In addition we can provide Extra Care apartments for older people, which offer an attractive alternative to traditional care homes.